Howard and the White Boys

Howard and the White Boys

Howard and the White Boys are considered one of Chicago’s finest live blues acts of the last two decades. Mentored by Buddy Guy (who has taken the band on several Midwestern tours as his opening act, and appeared on their third CD, “The Big $core”. Guy told the L.A. Times, “These guys deserve whatever they get and more. And I tell these guys, ‘If you ain’t gonna do it, you know I will, so don’t let me down now.’ And they haven’t!”

Howard & the White Boys began jamming together just for fun, but their fast-growing popularity soon convinced them they could make a career of it. After only a few months, they got their first big break by opening for B.B. King. Their reputation grew in Chicago and they began performing with the biggest names in blues: Koko Taylor, Otis Rush, Albert King, Junior Wells, Lonnie Brooks, Luther Allison, Bo Diddley, and Chuck Berry.

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Howard and the White Boys

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Howard and the White Boys are considered one of Chicago’s finest live blues acts of the last two decades. Mentored by Buddy Guy (who has taken the band on several Midwestern tours as his opening act, and appeared on their third CD, “The Big $core”. Guy told the L.A. Times, “These guys deserve whatever they get and more. And I tell these guys, ‘If you ain’t gonna do it, you know I will, so don’t let me down now.’ And they haven’t!”

Howard & the White Boys began jamming together just for fun, but their fast-growing popularity soon convinced them they could make a career of it. After only a few months, they got their first big break by opening for B.B. King. Their reputation grew in Chicago and they began performing with the biggest names in blues: Koko Taylor, Otis Rush, Albert King, Junior Wells, Lonnie Brooks, Luther Allison, Bo Diddley, and Chuck Berry.

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Howard and the White Boys


Howard and the White Boys




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Howard and the White Boys are considered one of Chicago’s finest live blues acts of the last two decades. Mentored by Buddy Guy (who has taken the band on several Midwestern tours as his opening act, and appeared on their third CD, “The Big $core”. Guy told the L.A. Times, “These guys deserve whatever they get and more. And I tell these guys, ‘If you ain’t gonna do it, you know I will, so don’t let me down now.’ And they haven’t!”

Howard & the White Boys began jamming together just for fun, but their fast-growing popularity soon convinced them they could make a career of it. After only a few months, they got their first big break by opening for B.B. King. Their reputation grew in Chicago and they began performing with the biggest names in blues: Koko Taylor, Otis Rush, Albert King, Junior Wells, Lonnie Brooks, Luther Allison, Bo Diddley, and Chuck Berry.


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